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Rating 69%

Contact details

  • Victoriano Lorenzo
    San Miguelito, Victoroiano Lorenzo, Monte Oscuro calle 1
  • Business phone
    00507 66700668
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  • Mobile phone
    00507 66700668
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About the seller

User ID: 1030804

Account created: 5/7/15 (9 years, 1 month)

Distribuidor de maquinaria y herramientas para trabajar con láminas metálicas. Read more

5 ads, showing 1 - 5
WALLER BERSAN, Hojalatería - Electricity
Bernardo Sanjur Samaniego
WALLER BERSAN, Hojalatería - Electricity
We do all kinds of work of sheeting with metal sheets. We manufacture and install channels, flasching, filters, trays and ducts for A/A machines, ...
Spiral Duct Connection Machine. Brand name
Bernardo Sanjur Samaniego
Spiral Duct Connection Machine. Brand name
Stop transporting air, make it the place where you need it! The BRAVO TF 470 is compact, resistant and mobile. It is easy to take it from one place to ...
Cizalla to cut stud and chaneles for Gympsum sky structure
Bernardo Sanjur Samaniego
Cizalla to cut stud and chaneles for Gympsum sky structure
The Malco-composite lever belts cut mounts and 20-caliber metal guides faster, easier and cheaper than any other market tool. The cizalla completes ...
B/.475.00 (Reduced 17%)
10-foot laminar. American brand TIN KNOCKER
Bernardo Sanjur Samaniego
10-foot laminar. American brand TIN KNOCKER
This insurance machine will lead you to improve the productivity of your business and if your purpose is to engage in your own business, this machine ... See more
Machine for Confection of Online Rectangle Ducts
Bernardo Sanjur Samaniego
Machine for Confection of Online Rectangle Ducts
The Duct Line Rectangular model Bravo 6018, has capacity to manufacture up to 7 tons of ducts per turn, the equivalent to manually manufactured, ...