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Oferta de empleo | Remote Spanish Interpreters - WORK FROM HOME!

$US 220/ per week

Hace 1 día

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Servicios Recomendados
Información sobre trabajo ID.: 25685419
  • Categoría del empleo Telemarketing / Atención Cliente
  • Puesto Remote Spanish Interpreters - WORK FROM HOME!
  • Lugar de trabajo Remote, Work from home
  • Salario estimado $US 220/ per week
  • Tipo de duración Trabajo remoto
  • Experiencia mínima 1 Año de Experiencia
  • Preparación

    Requirements include:
    1. Available for 8 hours per day for full time consideration
    2. Able to manage calls professionally using the web-based call management system provided
    3. Interpretation experience required, medical interpretation experience highly preferred
    4. A reliable internet connection
    5. A laptop or desktop computer with a camera, microphone, and speakers
    6. Quiet, professional work environment

  • Habilidades y Funciones

    Requirements include:
    1. Available for 8 hours per day for full time consideration
    2. Able to manage calls professionally using the web-based call management system provided
    3. Interpretation experience required, medical interpretation experience highly preferred
    4. A reliable internet connection
    5. A laptop or desktop computer with a camera, microphone, and speakers
    6. Quiet, professional work environment

  • Breve descripción del trabajo

    Video Remote, Inc. is looking for a number of professional, full-time remote interpreters experienced in handling medical calls via video. Please send your contact information together with your resume and a photo ID.
    Requirements include:
    1. Available for 8 hours per day for full time consideration
    2. Able to manage calls professionally using the web-based call management system provided
    3. Interpretation experience required, medical interpretation experience highly preferred
    4. A reliable internet connection
    5. A laptop or desktop computer with a camera, microphone, and speakers
    6. Quiet, professional work environment

  • Preparación

    Requirements include:
    1. Available for 8 hours per day for full time consideration
    2. Able to manage calls professionally using the web-based call management system provided
    3. Interpretation experience required, medical interpretation experience highly preferred
    4. A reliable internet connection
    5. A laptop or desktop computer with a camera, microphone, and speakers
    6. Quiet, professional work environment

Descripción del empleo
  • Habilidades y Funciones

    Requirements include:
    1. Available for 8 hours per day for full time consideration
    2. Able to manage calls professionally using the web-based call management system provided
    3. Interpretation experience required, medical interpretation experience highly preferred
    4. A reliable internet connection
    5. A laptop or desktop computer with a camera, microphone, and speakers
    6. Quiet, professional work environment

  • Breve descripción del trabajo

    Video Remote, Inc. is looking for a number of professional, full-time remote interpreters experienced in handling medical calls via video. Please send your contact information together with your resume and a photo ID.
    Requirements include:
    1. Available for 8 hours per day for full time consideration
    2. Able to manage calls professionally using the web-based call management system provided
    3. Interpretation experience required, medical interpretation experience highly preferred
    4. A reliable internet connection
    5. A laptop or desktop computer with a camera, microphone, and speakers
    6. Quiet, professional work environment

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