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Fitness Equipment | Estacion 4 torres multigimnasio institucional

Vista Hermosa

Fitness Equipment | Estacion 4 torres multigimnasio institucional


Vista Hermosa




The Spirit Multi-Station is ideal for smaller fitness facilities and with a lot of traffic. And, the Multiple Station Spirit Fitness can accommodate up to four people to Same Time.

Users Can Get An Effective Training Experience For All Body In A Reduced Space. Built To Durate, This Multiple Station Requires Minimum Maintenance With Durable Reliability.
Product Features:
Multiuser: Three Versatile Stations, with Optional Press For The Body Inferior Part, Allow a Full Training In a 96-foot Efficient Space Square.
Pilas De Pesas Independientes: The Generous Capacity of Pila De Pesas Adapts to the Needs of Resistance of Most Users.
Total Body: Each Station offers Multiple Exercises for Effective Handle Training All Body. Includes a Press Station, a Traction Station, a Station for the Body Inferior Part And a Press For The Inferior Part of the Optional Body.
Accessories: Standard Accessories Allow Comfortable Multiple Exercise and grip options. Includes Cut Bar and Lateral Pole Bar.
Commercial construction: Altamente Duradero, Con Poco Mantenimiento Requerido, Brinda Un Gran Valor A Los Owners de Las Commons.
Station Characteristics:
Press Station 200 Libras
Press De Pecho Plano
Press De Pecho Inclined
Press De Hombros
Traction Station 200 Libras
Lat Pulldown
Remo Sentry
Pressdown From Triceps
Curl de Bíceps
Double Station For Body Inferior Part 200 Libras
Pierna Extension
Curl De Piernas Tumbado
Press Station For The Inferior Part of the Optional Body 400 Libras
Piernas Press
Pantorrilla Press

Product dimensions: 118 X 118 X 88 In

Product Weight: 1500 Libras

Maximum User Weight: 350 Libras Institutional Use