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Otros Courses | Auxiliary Technician in Aquaculture, Cunculture and Poultry

Panama City
New or Used

Otros Courses | Auxiliary Technician in Aquaculture, Cunculture and Poultry


Panama City



New or Used



This course allows you to start from zero and get in a short time advanced knowledge in aquaculture, quanculture and poultry. Approval of the course: through monthly distance work or multiple choice questionnaires from the platform.

• Time flexibility

• Online mode: that allows you to enter the platform at the time you want, from any computer adapting better to your daily times and responsibilities.

• Download the material directly from the platform to your computer, tablet or cell phone. No mails. Enter the platform by user and personal password.

• Method of evaluation: through multiple choice questionnaires with the note instantly.

Over 17 years with an internet connection

Duration 180 hours.

Module 1


The pollination

Filling installation

Start in apculture

What is poultry flora?

Beehive products

Beehive feeding

How to handle the hives according to the stations?

Module 2
Routine reviews

Indumentary and basic tools for apicultor

The poison of bees

Types of hives

Multiplication of colonies

Bee packs


The honey extraction site

Pollen production

Queens breed

Module 3
Production and packaging of products

Obtaining swarms, royal jelly and queens

Production of swarms

Production and breeding of queens

Packaging and storage of honey and pollen

Reception, conditioning and storage of honey

Good management and manufacturing practices in honey production

Which is the Cunculture

The breeding rabbit

History of breeding and domestication of rabbit

Rabbit production in the world

Quality and acceptance of rabbit meat

Different races of rabbits

Bunny player

Reproduction of rabbits

Artificial Rabbit Insemination

How to take care of a pregnant rabbit and prepare the nest

How to take care of a newborn rabbit

How to take care of a newborn rabbit without a mother

Helps newborn rabbit make your needs

Lactation of a council

Get out of rabbits

Module 5
The emergence and development of disease

Rabbit disease

Main diseases in rabbits

Torcid neck or vestibular syndrome

Poisoning by asclepiadea or Algodoncillo

Cold in rabbits

Eye infection or conjunctivitis in rabbits

Pneumonia in rabbits

Bunny in rabbits

Skin diseases in rabbits

Mucoid enteritis

Mastitis in rabbits

Pulgas and Garrapata in rabbits

Mixomatosis in rabbits

Cannibalism in rabbits

Module 6
Biosafety in Cuncultural Production Systems

Prophylaxis in quantum farms

The Rabbit Jaulas

Rabbit nests

Rabbit Beverages

Rabbit feeders

Module 7

Anatomy and Physiology of the Hen

Birds: suitable for posture and for meat

Sexy methods in chicks

The selection. Base of poultry business

Accommodation and environment

Handling of breeding

Accommodation and environment

Hygiene and Health

Technical management of laying hens

Module 8
Disease control in poultry farms

Lighting and ventilation in poultry farm

Water consumption


Health Prophylaxis

Egg and health risks

Egg Size Management

Handling of fertile eggs for incubation

Module 9
Fatty chickens or Parrilleros

Metabolic diseases in fatty chickens

Bacterial Diseases

Virgin Diseases

Parasitic Diseases

Fungal diseases

You pay for the module.